Non-Profits join forces with GSES for sustainability in the Social Aid & Sustainability Benchmark Project
Non-Profits join forces with GSES for sustainability in the Social Aid & Sustainability Benchmark Project

In the realm of humanitarian aid, each individual contribution is invaluable. Diederik Rodenburg, a dedicated professional with a passion for sustainability and a keen eye for facility management, plays an essential role within the Red Cross in the Netherlands. The Red Cross provides emergency assistance, supports vulnerable people nationally and internationally, and contributes to improving lives in crisis situations. With his diverse background, including experience in art transportation, Diederik brings versatility to the Red Cross as a facility manager, where he combines his passion for sustainability with his professional duties.
For Diederik, sustainability is not just a buzzword; it’s a way of life that he actively promotes within the Red Cross. His involvement in shaping a sustainability policy and establishing a sustainability working group demonstrates his commitment to embedding sustainable practices as an integral part of the organisational culture, from purchasing sustainable energy to buying second-hand refurbished furniture. Diederik emphasises the importance of sustainability within the organisation, stating, “The increasing frequency of natural disasters due to climate change is undeniable, and as the Red Cross, we are ready to provide assistance and ensure that people are better prepared for the consequences of any disaster. In our daily work at the Red Cross, we experience the direct impact of climate change, which is why we strive as an organisation to minimise our ecological footprint and contribute as little as possible to climate change.”
The Social Aid & Sustainability Benchmark Project marks a crucial step forward in the pursuit of sustainability. Non-profit organisations such as Partos, Fair Climate Fund, and the Red Cross are joining forces with GSES (The Global Sustainable Enterprise System), a platform that supports organisations in measuring, reporting, and externally validating sustainability performance, to develop a sector-specific benchmark. This enables non-profit organizations to measure, evaluate, compare their sustainability performance and communicate the impact of their projects externally.
For Diederik, this project represents an opportunity to bring about positive change both within and outside the organisation. In addition to providing a framework for measuring and communicating sustainability results in the non-profit sector, which strengthens the transparency and credibility of humanitarian projects, Diederik also hopes to increase awareness and encourage behavioral change. Through accurate measurements and transparent reporting, he hopes to bring about a paradigm shift in the way organizations approach sustainability.
Development Organizations Join Forces for GSES's Social AID & Sustainability Benchmark Pilot with Building Bridges and Data for Good!
Development Organizations Join Forces for GSES's Social AID & Sustainability Benchmark Pilot with Building Bridges and Data for Good!

Rotterdam, April 11, 2024
Social Organizations Sign On to the Social AID & Sustainability Benchmark Pilot by GSES, Building Bridges, and Data for Good
Today marks a milestone for the International Cooperation sector, as key players unite to take a crucial step towards a more sustainable future. In Rotterdam, prominent organizations such as the Dutch Red Cross, Save the Children, War Child, Oxfam Novib, Cordaid, and Fair Climate Fund have joined forces, signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with GSES and Data for Good for the launch of the Social AID & Sustainability benchmark pilot.
This initiative arises from the urgent need to systematically report on sustainability goals within the International Cooperation sector and to enable comparisons of results. Additionally, social organizations like Oxfam Novib have long been urging businesses and governments to adhere to sustainability standards, making it a logical step for the sector to do the same. The pilot focuses on developing a sector-specific sustainability benchmark at both the organizational and project levels, specifically examining the impact of organizations on both climate and people, both in the Netherlands and beyond.
The initiators GSES, Building Bridges, and Data for Good, along with supporting partners such as Partos, the SDG 1 Alliance, SDG 7 Alliance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Number 5 Foundation, are combining their efforts to strengthen sustainability initiatives within the sector.
Participating social organizations will closely collaborate with GSES – Global Sustainable Enterprise System, an organization that has developed an internationally recognized platform to support organizations and NGOs in managing, monitoring, and verifying sustainability performance. By implementing a sector-specific benchmark, the participating organizations aim to make their sustainability goals and results transparent and comparable. While various social organizations have already set an example, the hope is to inspire many others to follow suit, thereby enhancing the positive impact on communities worldwide.
“With this pilot, social organizations are demonstrating leadership by collectively embarking on a new sustainable path. Sustainable practices go beyond reducing flights and separating waste; it presents a unique opportunity to strengthen the SDG movement in the Netherlands so that we can collectively achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030,” said Boris van Westering, Building Bridges Advisory.
“The Social AID & Sustainability benchmark pilot project is an attempt to learn how to take meaningful action for people while balancing the needs of the environment and understanding the interconnectedness of the two. This pilot is a step forward for cross-sector collaboration and interdisciplinary action,” stated Shivalika Madgulkar, Project Manager.
“Sustainability means making choices. The question for us as a humanitarian organization is, ‘how much more expensive can a sustainable option be?’ These are often difficult questions. Therefore, it’s even more important to understand the impact of your organization on both climate and society. This project is a great opportunity to make that insight clear and to benchmark within the sector,” said Diederik Rodenburg, Facility Manager at the Red Cross.
“As a country, we are committed to reducing poverty worldwide and here in the Netherlands through the SDGs. I expect we can make a significant movement by making the impact of this nationally and internationally operating humanitarian organization clear, and exploring how emergency assistance can lead to sustainable change in vulnerable areas and help reduce global poverty,” said Marjolein van Gerven, SDG 1 Coordinator.
For more information:
Shivalika Madgulkar, Project Manager GSES
Rotterdam, 11 April 2024
Maatschappelijke organisaties tekenen de Social AID & Sustainability benchmark pilot van GSES, Building Bridges en Data for Good
Vandaag markeert een mijlpaal voor de Internationale Samenwerkingssector, want belangrijke spelers hebben zich verenigd om een cruciale stap te zetten richting een duurzamere toekomst. In Rotterdam hebben vooraanstaande organisaties zoals het Nederlandse Rode Kruis, Save the Children, War Child, Oxfam Novib, Cordaid en Fair Climate Fund, de handen ineengeslagen en een Memorandum van Overeenstemming (MoU) ondertekend met GSES en Data for Good voor de lancering van het Social AID & Sustainability benchmark pilot.
Dit initiatief komt voort uit de dringende behoefte om systematischer te rapporteren over duurzaamheidsdoelen binnen de Internationale Samenwerkingssector en resultaten te kunnen vergelijken. Daarnaast roepen maatschappelijke organisaties zoals Oxfam Novib bedrijven en overheden al jaren op zich te houden aan duurzaamheid standaarden, het is daarom een logische stap om zelf als sector datzelfde te doen. De pilot is gericht op het ontwikkelen van een sectorspecifieke duurzaamheidsbenchmark op organisatie en projectniveau. Specifiek wordt gekeken naar de impact van de organisatie op zowel het klimaat als op de mens en maatschappij in Nederland en daarbuiten.
De initiatiefnemers GSES, Building Bridges en Data for Good, samen met ondersteunende partners zoals Partos, de SDG 1 Alliantie, SDG 7 Alliantie, Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken en de Number 5 Foundation, bundelen hun krachten om de duurzaamheidsinspanningen binnen de sector te versterken.
De deelnemende maatschappelijke organisaties zullen nauw samenwerken met GSES – Global Sustainable Enterprise System, een organisatie die een internationaal erkend platform heeft ontwikkeld om organisaties en NGO’s te ondersteunen bij het beheren, monitoren en verifiëren van duurzaamheidsprestaties. Door een sectorspecifieke benchmark te implementeren, streven de deelnemende organisaties ernaar om hun duurzaamheidsdoelen en -resultaten transparant te maken en onderling te kunnen vergelijken. Terwijl verschillende maatschappelijke organisaties ons al zijn voorgegaan, hopen we dat wij hiermee een voorbeeld te zijn wat velen anderen aanzet om te volgen, zodat de positieve impact op gemeenschappen over de hele wereld vergroot zal worden.
“Met deze pilot tonen maatschappelijke organisaties leiderschap door samen een nieuwe duurzame weg in te slaan. Duurzaam werken is meer dan minder vliegen en afval scheiden alleen. Het biedt een unieke kans om de SDG-beweging in Nederland te versterken zodat wij samen de Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelen in 2030 gaan behalen.” Boris van Westering, Building Bridges Advies.
“Social AID & Sustainability benchmark pilot project is een poging om te leren hoe je zinvolle acties kunt ondernemen voor mensen en tegelijkertijd de behoeften van het milieu in evenwicht kunt houden en kunt begrijpen dat deze twee nauw met elkaar verbonden zijn. Deze pilot is een stap voorwaarts voor intersectorale samenwerking en interdisciplinaire actie.” Shivalika Madgulkar, Project Manager.
“Verduurzamen betekent dat je keuzes moet maken. De vraag voor ons als hulporganisatie is “hoeveel duurder mag een duurzame optie zijn?” Dat zijn vaak lastige vraagstukken. Daarom des te belangrijker om inzicht te hebben wat de impact van je organisatie is op gebied van klimaat en op mens en maatschappij. Dit project is een mooie kans om dat inzichtelijk te maken en binnen de sector met elkaar te kunnen benchmarken.” Diederik Rodenburg, Manager Facilitaire Zaken van het Rode Kruis.
“Als land hebben wij ons middels de SDGs gecommitteerd aan het terugdringen van armoede wereldwijd en in Nederland zelf. Ik verwacht dat we een belangrijke beweging kunnen maken door de impact van deze nationaal- en internationaal opererende hulporganisatie inzichtelijk te maken en te verkennen op welke manier de inzet van noodhulp kan leiden tot een duurzame verandering in kwetsbare gebieden en het terugdringen van armoede wereldwijd.” Marjolein van Gerven, SDG 1 Coordinator.
Voor meer informatie:
Shivalika Madgulkar, Project Manager GSES
Collaborates with GSES for transparency in the sustainability of Kruidvat and Trekpleister products!
Collaborates with GSES for transparency in the sustainability of Kruidvat and Trekpleister products!

Products at Kruidvat and Trekpleister retail formulas will soon feature independent validated sustainability information. AS Watson Benelux, the parent company of Kruidvat and Trekpleister, has entered into a collaboration with GSES for this purpose. Each product will be measured by GSES against the same standard and data points, including energy and water usage and recyclability. The data provided by AS Watson Benelux and its suppliers for this purpose will be independently audited by recognized certifying bodies via Audit Independer.
Consumers shopping at Kruidvat and Trekpleister will soon be able to easily access information about the sustainability of a product, both online and in-store. This information can be a useful guideline for consumers looking to make more sustainable choices.
“We are very proud of this collaboration with AS Watson Benelux,” says Kelly Ruigrok, CEO and founder of GSES. She continues, “We see that we are providing a solution for the retail and wholesale sectors by enabling verified product data on the one hand and contributing to regulatory reporting for our clients on the other. Kruidvat wants to provide customers with more clarity on how they can make the world a little better with their purchasing power! This positions AS Watson Benelux as a leader in transparency and a driver of a more sustainable world.”
“We want to assist our customers in making more sustainable choices. From research, we know that a large portion of our customers would like to consider sustainability when making their purchasing decisions but find it challenging to assess the actual sustainability of a product. They struggle to find and (re)recognize more sustainable products. Additionally, not everyone is familiar with the various certifications that highlight the sustainability of products. The nature impact rating from GSES will help our customers make more sustainable choices. This meta-standard provides a clear view of the degree of sustainability and does so in a recognizable, universal manner. This is an incredibly important step for us, and we look forward to sharing this with our customers.” – Leendert van Bergeijk, Sustainability Manager, AS Watson Benelux.
About AS Watson Benelux
AS Watson is part of the AS Watson Group, the world’s largest international health and beauty retailer with over 16,000 stores, 12 retail brands in 28 markets, and more than 130,000 employees worldwide. AS Watson is a market leader in health & beauty. You may know the retail formulas in the Benelux: Kruidvat, Trekpleister, Prijsmepper, ICI PARIS XL, and Pour Vous.