Sail Amsterdam 2025

GSES gekozen als duurzame partner voor SAIL Amsterdam 2025


GSES gekozen als duurzame partner voor SAIL Amsterdam 2025

Sail Amsterdam 2025

SAIL Amsterdam 2025 heeft GSES – Global Sustainable Enterprise System geselecteerd als officiële leverancier voor het meten en verifiëren van de duurzaamheid van het evenement. Dit partnerschap onderstreept de inzet van SAIL Amsterdam om niet alleen een spectaculair, maar ook een verantwoord en duurzaam evenement neer te zetten.

Met behulp van het GSES – Global Sustainable Enterprise System en Mission Control Data for Good zal de duurzaamheid van het volledige evenement worden gemeten en geverifieerd. Dit systeem richt zich op transparantie en duurzaamheid, met aandacht voor emissiereducties en circulaire oplossingen.

Met deze innovatieve benadering zet SAIL Amsterdam 2025 een belangrijke stap richting een duurzamer evenement, waarin emissiereducties, innovaties en circulaire oplossingen centraal staan.

“Wij zijn enorm trots dat we als leverancier van SAIL Amsterdam 2025 zijn gekozen,” aldus GSES. “Door onze geavanceerde meet- en verificatiemethoden kunnen we garanderen dat duurzaamheid een centrale rol speelt tijdens dit grootse maritieme evenement.” Aldus Kelly Ruigrok, CEO van GSES (Global Sustainable Enterprise System)

Over SAIL Amsterdam

SAIL Amsterdam is een van de grootste nautische evenementen ter wereld en vindt eens in de vijf jaar plaats in de hoofdstad. Sinds de eerste editie in 1975 trekt het evenement miljoenen bezoekers die samenkomen om een indrukwekkende vloot van tall ships, historische schepen en moderne vaartuigen te bewonderen. SAIL staat niet alleen bekend om zijn maritieme pracht, maar zet zich ook steeds meer in voor duurzaamheid en innovatie binnen de sector.


GSES is een wereldwijd erkend duurzaamheidsplatform dat bedrijven en organisaties helpt bij het meten, verbeteren en certificeren van hun duurzaamheidsinspanningen. Het systeem biedt een allesomvattende benadering van duurzaamheid, gebaseerd op internationale normen en frameworks zoals de SDG’s, ESG-richtlijnen en circulaire economieprincipes. Met haar innovatieve meet- en verificatiemethoden draagt GSES bij aan een transparante en duurzamere wereld.

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Mobiliteitsfabriek joining GSES


New member of the GSES: Mobiliteitsfabriek

We are excited to welcome Mobiliteitsfabriek as a new member of GSES!

Mobiliteitsfabriek envisions a world where mobility is accessible and simple for everyone. They believe that every individual has the right to a hassle-free travel experience, regardless of their chosen mode of transportation. Their platform seamlessly connects providers and users, allowing all travel transactions to be managed in one organized overview.

In 2023, Mobiliteitsfabriek launched their new Innovation Strategy, utilizing a customer-focused framework to optimize the user experience while integrating sustainability initiatives. Following a recent audit, they will implement new guidelines in early 2024 to enhance the efficiency of their platform and reduce their ecological footprint.

With nationwide coverage, Mobiliteitsfabriek serves thousands of users each year who benefit from an extensive range of transportation options. They understand the impact they can make, but they also recognize that collaboration is key to maximizing their potential. – Because everyone deserves mobility. Always.

Mobiliteitsfabriek plays a pivotal role in the future of mobility and looks forward to working together towards a better and more accessible travel experience for all!

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New member of the GSES: 4PLUS


New member of the GSES: 4PLUS

We are excited to welcome 4PLUS as a new member of GSES!

4PLUS believes in the power of family businesses as the backbone of the economy. By strengthening independent entrepreneurs through joint procurement, centralized data management, and efficient logistics, they create a strong and competitive market position. Their advanced logistics center in Born ensures accurate deliveries and fast replenishment, while their focus on quality and reliability supports sustainable growth.

With a commitment to innovation, 4PLUS continuously invests in smart solutions that enhance efficiency and sustainability. By implementing advanced data management systems and streamlining supply chains, they help entrepreneurs make informed decisions, reduce waste, and improve operational effectiveness. Their dedication to digitalization and automation not only strengthens their network but also contributes to a more sustainable and future-proof construction sector.

At GSES, we are proud to support 4PLUS in their commitment to sustainability. Together, we work towards a greener and more responsible future!

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Sustainable Procurement: Measuring is Improving


Sustainable Procurement: Measuring is Improving

Being transparent about sustainability efforts and results is key to sustainable procurement. The Global Sustainable Enterprise System provides a platform for this; expert Karin van IJsselmuide. Univé and Air Traffic Control the Netherlands (LVNL) have already started using it.

Sustainable procurement refers to purchasing with the most positive effects for society, the economy, and the environment throughout the entire product lifecycle (ISO 20400-2017). This term for sustainable purchasing is used internationally by businesses and is equivalent to the government’s term “socially responsible procurement.” Procurement organizations can have a significant impact on achieving sustainable goals, such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Moreover, numerous regulations and legislative proposals are emerging, such as CSRD, IMVO, and CO2 reporting, which require organizations to be accountable. This is a good reason to start working on it, but in a clear, correct, and verifiable way.

5 Guidelines from the ACM

If there’s one thing we’ve learned from recent investigations and the sanctions imposed by the Dutch Consumer and Market Authority (ACM), it’s that some companies make a habit of pretending to be more sustainable than they actually are. Sustainability has become more of a marketing tool, which we call greenwashing. The five guidelines that ACM has issued offer support for both marketing and procurement departments:

  1. Clearly communicate the sustainability benefits of the product.
  2. Substantiate sustainability claims with facts and keep them up to date.
  3. Comparisons with other products, services, or companies should be fair.
  4. Be honest and concrete about sustainability efforts.
  5. Ensure that visual claims and labels are helpful and not confusing for consumers.

Being transparent and honest about sustainability efforts and results is central to sustainable procurement. Having an ambition, sustainable purchasing policy, or action plan to address sustainability is not enough. It is necessary to measure and substantiate sustainable procurement activities with facts. But where do you start, and how do you ensure that your own procurement process, suppliers, and the products they deliver do not rely on opportunistic sustainability claims? For this, we use the process of: tell me, show me, and prove me.

Tell me, show me, and prove me

Tell me: Start by having suppliers explain how sustainable they already are in areas such as circularity, CO2 reduction, employee health and safety. Show me: Once you have insight into the sustainability of your suppliers, ask whether they can substantiate the claims they’ve made and the information provided with facts or evidence. Prove me: If you have doubts about the facts provided or if the stakes are high for your organization, you can have the evidence verified by an independent expert or certifying body such as KIWA or Control Union.

Sustainability Labels

Since organizations often do not have all the expertise in-house or the ability to manage and verify sustainability data provided, it is helpful that sustainability labels exist. But how do you know if a label is recognized and validated? Gaining knowledge about this, creating your own questionnaires, and setting up the verification process are often not feasible for companies. Furthermore, it is not ideal for the market for every customer to ask for slightly different requirements on various themes.

Unique Standard

If the organization decides to request, analyze, and verify data from suppliers, it’s important to think carefully about the strategy behind it. And also consider the tool you need to help with this. There are various tools on the market that can assist with this, such as the Global Sustainable Enterprise System (GSES). This is a platform where you can see how each supplier addresses various sustainability themes. GSES uses a unique overarching standard for measuring the sustainability of organizations and products. This standard recognizes over five hundred existing sustainability standards, certifications, and eco-labels.

Based on this, GSES can measure the sustainability performance of organizations and products in areas such as sustainable procurement, CSR, CO2, circularity, health, safety, and biodiversity. Parties using GSES to measure their own or their products’ sustainability follow a standardized process. Depending on the sustainability theme being investigated, the organization undergoes an assessment and is asked to provide evidence. This evidence is externally verified as part of the process. The result is a standardized scorecard that shows the sustainability performance of the organization or product. This gives you a clear picture of your sustainability score, and you can zoom in on different areas. And all of this is based on verified information, ensuring transparency. With the supply chain dashboard, you also gain insight into the sustainability of your suppliers and have an immediate benchmark.

GSES House of Sustainability

The GSES House of Sustainability is a graphical representation (see the image on the next page) of the six sustainability perspectives measured by GSES:

  1. Corporate Social Responsibility (based on ISO 26000)GSES House of sustainability
  2. Sustainable Procurement (based on ISO 20400)
  3. Biodiversity (based on UNDP)
  4. Circular Economy (based on BS 8001)
  5. Health and Safety (based on ISO 45001)
  6. CO2 Reduction (based on ISO 50001, ISO 14064-1)

In the Netherlands, GSES works with companies such as Xenos, Wibra, ABN AMRO, Univé, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Air Traffic Control the Netherlands (LVNL).

In the two boxes, strategic procurement advisor Willem de Jager of Univé Group and contracting manager Eric Sessink of LVNL share their experiences with GSES.

Action Plan

Sustainability measurement is just the beginning. It’s good to know where every supplier stands, but embedding the real strategy only begins after that. It’s recommended to establish an action plan. This allows you to start discussions with suppliers about their contribution to your own sustainability goals and/or include sustainability ambitions in contracts.


To really make progress in this area, insight is essential. The requirements that sustainable procurement places on organizations and individuals will grow with future legislation and market developments. Therefore, sustainability will always remain a key concern for the procurement discipline in the future.


Willem de Jager Unive

Willem de Jager, strategic procurement advisor at Univé Group: “In the context of CSR, Univé focuses on all Sustainable Development Goals, with extra emphasis on ‘Good Health and Well-being,’ ‘Climate Action,’ and ‘Partnerships.’ With the sustainability ambitions of Univé, Procurement and Contract Management must work to create impact in the supply chain. Just like black figures, green figures start with reliable data. When it comes to sustainability, we’re actually hardly aware of what our partners are doing in this area, so we can’t provide reliable reports. We’ve started placing ourselves on the GSES sustainability platform.

At the same time, we’ve asked our suppliers to do the same and, like us, be transparent. First and foremost because we want to know if a sustainable relationship with them also means a collaboration that has positive effects in terms of sustainability, but also to provide suppliers with a platform where they can show where they stand and what their ambitions are. A supplier’s scores in GSES are also accessible to other clients, so this system is a powerful tool for their tendering processes. The verified data in GSES reduces the chances of greenwashing and ensures that we can have quicker discussions about the substance of the collaboration. We can also provide reliable reports about where we stand. In the coming period, we want to work with suppliers to review the scores and identify opportunities for further sustainability.”


Eric Sessink, contracting manager at Air Traffic Control the Netherlands (LVNL): “LVNL ensures the safe handling of air traffic in Dutch civilian airspace. Based on three pillars (climate, circularity, and health & social), goals have been set towards a sustainable LVNL. Socially responsible procurement is an essential tool to accelerate sustainability. To use sustainability as a distinguishing factor in tenders, we sought a tool that can objectively assess the sustainability claims of suppliers. The tool must be accessible to both Dutch and international suppliers and must have a robust certification process with a large supplier database. Based on this, GSES emerged as the best option. With this tool, we can see how our suppliers are performing in sustainability. It also provides information that helps us start discussions to improve and monitor this process.

Another advantage of the GSES platform is that a supplier is easily compared to the average in their sector. LVNL’s sustainability goals are incorporated into tenders to challenge suppliers to contribute to them. Additionally, last year we invited the top 200 current suppliers to register on the GSES platform in the areas of Corporate Social Responsibility, CO2 Reduction, and Circular Economy. LVNL also fills out the assessment. This allows the outside world to see what efforts we’re making in this area. Of the approximately 200 current suppliers, 31 have voluntarily registered so far. Eleven of these suppliers have been validated by GSES on their sustainability performance. Starting in 2023, more ambitious criteria will be included in every tender. Currently, registration on the three pillars is voluntary for our suppliers. However, depending on how the market develops, we may make the industry average a minimum requirement in tenders.”

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ESSMA Summit 2024: Driving Sustainability in Sports and Events


ESSMA Summit 2024: Driving Sustainability in Sports and Events

We are thrilled to share our experience at the ESSMA Summit 2024 and announce an exciting partnership that reinforces our mission to advance sustainability and innovation in the sports and events industry.

ESSMA Summit 2024
The ESSMA Summit, hosted at the Club Atlético de Madrid stadium, gathered industry leaders for two days of insightful discussions on key topics shaping the future of stadium management. The event focused on:

• Enhancing safety and security measures for modern venues.
• Promoting inclusion and accessibility initiatives.
• Advancing sustainability practices within LSE sector.
• Embracing innovative technologies to revolutionize stadium operations.

Expert speakers shared their insights, sparking collaborative dialogues and driving conversations about the sector’s future. Attendees also had the chance to explore cutting-edge solutions from corporate partners, showcasing the latest advancements in stadium management technology.

Our CEO, Kelly, was honored to participate in the summit, presenting at the sustainability workshop. Reflecting on the experience, she expressed her gratitude and enthusiasm: “Let’s sustainalize the LSE sector and start making waves today! A heartfelt thank-you to the organizers of the ESSMA Summit for hosting such a fantastic event and providing the opportunity to present GSES and GES on stage.”

Exciting Partnership Announcement
We are delighted to announce that GSES has officially joined the ESSMA community as an official partner. This collaboration marks a significant step forward in our commitment to driving sustainability, fostering innovation, and enhancing collaboration within the sports and events sector.

Key Aspects of the Partnership:
• Strengthening collaboration with stadiums, clubs, and industry leaders.
• Encouraging data sharing to improve sustainability practices.
• Advocating for the implementation of the Green Event Standard for sustainable event management.

Driving Sustainability with the Green Event Standard
We are proud to introduce the Green Event Standaard, a robust framework. This standard is designed to provide practical strategies for evaluating and enhancing the environmental and social impact of events. The Green Event Standard enables organizations to measure and improve the sustainability of their events across 10 critical ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) topics, offering a comprehensive approach to sustainable event management.

Looking Ahead
Our collaboration with ESSMA represents a unique opportunity to push the boundaries of sustainability in the sports and events industry. By combining ESSMA’s extensive network with GSES’s innovative tools and expertise, we aim to:

• Accelerate the adoption of sustainable practices across stadiums and venues.
• Facilitate the exchange of knowledge and best practices among industry stakeholders.
• Foster a community of organizations dedicated to sustainability and inclusion.

We are excited about the possibilities this partnership unlocks and look forward to working closely with ESSMA members to create a greener, more inclusive future for sports and events worldwide.

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MGTC partners with Control Union Malaysia to enhance sustainability initiatives


MGTC partners with Control Union Malaysia to enhance sustainability initiatives

Sheraton Petaling Jaya, 31st October 2023

In a significant and momentous occasion witnessed by Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, the Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation (MGTC) and Control Union Malaysia signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) at a networking dinner organized by the Netherlands Embassy. This collaboration, solidified through the MOU, signifies a profound commitment to foster cooperation and synergy in various fields of mutual interest, with a focus on advancing sustainability and addressing critical environmental challenges.

The Parties intend to collaborate and pool their expertise, capacity, and capabilities to support Malaysia in several key areas of cooperation.

These areas include:

  • Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Assessment and Net-Zero Roadmap Development Capacity Building in Sustainability Programs
  • Expansion of MyHijau Products and Services
  • Validation and Verification Services

Platform for Rating, Verification, and Certification of Sustainability Performances: The Global Sustainable Enterprise System (GSES) platform to assess, verify, and certify the sustainability performances of organizations. This platform will play a crucial role in recognizing and encouraging sustainable practices.

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, who graciously witnessed the signing of the MOU, expressed his support for the collaboration and the shared commitment to environmental sustainability. He emphasized the importance of international cooperation in addressing global climate challenges.

The signing of this MOU marks a significant step in the advancement of environmental sustainability in Malaysia and underscores the nation’s commitment to addressing climate change and promoting sustainable practices. The collaboration between MGTC and Control Union Malaysia is expected to have far-reaching implications, with the potential to drive positive change in various sectors of the Malaysian economy.

About Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation (MGTC):

MGTC is an agency under the Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change (NRECC) mandated to accelerate green growth, advance climate action and include green lifestyle.

Guided by the National Green Technology Policy (NGTP), the National Policy on Climate Change (NCCP), the Green Technology Master Plan 2017-2030(GTMP) and the Twelfth Malaysia Plan, MGTC carries out programmes and initiatives to support stakeholders at all levels.

By 2030, through its various programs and initiatives, MGTC aims to facilitate RM100 billion in green investments, create 230,000 green jobs and help Malaysia achieve its net- zero GHG emissions as early as 2050 target.

About Control Union Malaysia:

Control Union part of the Royal Peterson Control Union group, which was founded in The Netherlands in 1920 is currently active in over 80 countries and Control Union Malaysia have been serving clients in East and West Malaysia since 1987. Control Union is a global leader for palm oil, forestry, biomass, textile, recycling, food safety, aquaculture, fisheries, social compliances, and assurance on environmental services, carbon and ESG assurance in accordance with the AA1000 Assurance Standard. In addition to certification and assurance, Control Union is also a global leader in Commodity and Industrial inspections, Collateral Management Services, Non-toxic Pest Control and Academy services.

From the left: H.E. Mark Rutte (Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Netherlands) Mr. Supun Nigamuni (Managing Director of Control Union Malaysia), Ts. Shamsul Bahar (GCEO of MGTC), and Y.B. Liew Chin Tong (Deputy Minister of the MITI)

For more information and media inquiries, please contact:

Dinusha W. Surendre
Business Development Assistant Manager
Control Union Malaysia +6012 627 2505

Puan Farisha ZainolCorporate CommunicationMalaysia Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation (MGTC) 327 5456

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New due diligence legislation


New Due Diligence legislation

New legislation is being introduced that will require companies to identify, mitigate, or eliminate any potential negative impacts of their actions on both people and the environment. What steps should you take? How will you approach this?

Read the blue paper that experts from Shopping Tomorrow – have written, in collaboration with Möbius Business Redesign, Capgemini, ClimatePartner, and GSES – Global Sustainable Enterprise System.
Want to know more?

Read the full article below:
Shopping Tomorrow Blue Paper

LVNL’s commitment to sustainability


LVNL’s commitment to sustainability

Sustainability takes centre stage at LVNL, where it’s not just a goal but a firm commitment. LVNL’s dedication to a greener future extends beyond words, reflected in their rigorous selection process for suppliers. This process now includes a pivotal partner: the Global Sustainable Enterprise System (GSES).

LVNL, as a crucial player in the aviation industry, recognises the imperative of sustainability and the need to align their procurement with environmentally conscious practices. To this end, they have partnered with GSES, a global leader in sustainable and circular business standards.

GSES serves as a beacon for LVNL in the tender selection process, ensuring that potential suppliers share their vision for a more sustainable future. Through the GSES platform, LVNL can evaluate the sustainability ambitions of suppliers in a demonstrable and verifiable manner.

The integration of GSES into LVNL’s selection criteria is setting a new industry standard, reaffirming the aviation sector’s commitment to a more sustainable and eco-friendly future.

For more information, please visit: GSES

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GSES empowers sustainability with ISO 59000 integration


GSES empowers sustainability with ISO 59000 integration

In a significant move towards advancing global sustainability, the Global Sustainable Enterprise System (GSES) is excited to announce the integration of the ISO 59000 series. This strategic integration is set to amplify and elevate sustainability initiatives across the world.

ISO 59000 series, a globally recognised set of standards, provides a comprehensive framework for managing sustainability practices. By incorporating these standards into GSES, the platform is set to become more user-friendly, internationally credible, and power-packed, allowing organisations to measure, verify, and enhance their sustainability efforts efficiently.

Hans Kröder, a leading circular expert and has been instrumental in making this integration possible. We extend our sincere thanks to the Board of Experts and the Technical Committee for their invaluable contributions.

Join us on this exciting journey towards a greener and sustainable future. Together, we aim to make a lasting impact, one sustainability initiative at a time.

For more information, please visit GSES

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Boon Edam Embraces CSRD & Sustainability with GSES!


Boon Edam embraces CSRD and sustainability with GSES!

In a recent interview conducted, Danielle van Koert-Bakker, the Global Quality & Sustainability Manager of Boon Edam, and Shubham Tiwari, the Global Supply Chain Coordinator, shed light on the company’s commitment to sustainability and their partnership with GSES. Boon Edam, a global organisation celebrating its 150th anniversary this year, shared valuable insights into their vision, mission, and their journey towards sustainability.

Boon Edam, with a history dating back 70 years, remains unwavering in its ambition. Being a family-owned business, the owner has played a pivotal role in defining the company’s mission and vision. Central to this vision is a strong emphasis on customer experience, premium quality products, safety, and security. Sustainability, although not explicitly mentioned in their mission, is inherently integrated into their products, particularly their renowned revolving doors known for energy-saving attributes.

Shubham Tiwari, during the interview, highlighted the growing importance of sustainability in the context of European Union regulations for supply chain management. He emphasised the need to align supply chain processes with sustainability targets, fostering a commitment to sustainability. Boon Edam’s motivation to adopt sustainability is rooted in their desire for visibility and longevity. The company understands that embracing sustainability is not just a trend but a necessity to ensure their continued success for generations to come.

The company, which caters to a wide range of sectors as entry experts, prides itself on its expertise, making them unique in each sector they target. While they are relatively new to the sustainability journey, Boon Edam is actively engaged in various sustainability initiatives within the company.

Boon Edam’s decision to partner with GSES was driven by a clear need to meet CSRD compliance by 2030. Their objective is to align all information into one place, reduce container and load sizes, and promote sustainability throughout their supply chain. GSES provides an external and independent validator, which was the perfect fit for Boon Edam’s mission and their commitment to transparency.

Boon Edam’s sustainability goals extend beyond mere compliance. They are committed to measuring sustainability across various pillars and conducting organisation and product level ratings. A priority-setting approach and the 0-point measurement will provide them with a clear path forward. One of their key reasons for working with GSES is to promote sustainable procurement. Boon Edam recognises the importance of involving suppliers in their sustainability efforts and the positive impact this can have on the industry as a whole.

Boon Edam takes pride in contributing to a cleaner and greener future, with a strong focus on energy and transport sectors. Safety and customer well-being are at the forefront of their product development, with their products known for being the safest in the world. The interview also touched upon the crucial relationship between supply chain and sustainability. Boon Edam acknowledged the challenges in sustainable procurement, particularly in obtaining reliable sustainability data. However, they emphasised the importance of overcoming these challenges to drive positive change, with GSES playing a significant role in this endeavour.

Danielle aptly summarised the importance of measurement with the statement, “what you cannot measure, you cannot improve.” Boon Edam is not only committed to recording sustainability data but also taking tangible actions to enhance sustainability. The user-interface of GSES was lauded for its simplicity, ease of use, and data privacy features. Boon Edam found the platform’s assessments to be user-friendly, with clear and structured questions. In a significant milestone year, Boon Edam is not only celebrating its long-standing history but also its unwavering commitment to a sustainable and greener future, with GSES as their trusted partner on this transformative journey.

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