GSES Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Management with the GSES System
Leveraging the GSES System to Engage Your Supply Chains and Stakeholders
Ready to be sustainable?
Within the GSE House of Sustainability, encompassing the GSE-Standard and GSE-System, the principles of informing, involving, and collaborating with stakeholders and supply chains are intricately woven into all facets and tiers. The intricate web of interactions between companies and stakeholders surpasses the capacity of any singular organisation to navigate independently. The pursuit of a more sustainable world necessitates a symbiotic relationship between companies and stakeholders.
An organisation’s potential to contribute to sustainable development across the value chain, society, environment, and economy is magnified when it can exert influence by informing, motivating, supporting, and collaborating with stakeholders within or beyond the supply chain, thereby enhancing their sustainability endeavours.
This is precisely why the GSE-System empowers organisations utilising the platform to extend invitations to their supply chains and stakeholders. Within this framework, organisations have the autonomy to select specific pillars along with associated questionnaires that they wish their invited supply chains and stakeholders to respond to. The resulting scores are prominently displayed on the organisation’s dedicated Procurement Dashboard.
For many organisations and their value chains, increasing transparency poses a formidable challenge. What aspects of sustainability are thriving, and where are there gaps? Transparency is underscored as a pivotal principle in the CSR pillar of the GSE-Standard. Transparent information is characterised by its accessibility, reliability, timeliness, accuracy, and comprehensibility. The quality and transparency of this information should be consistently coordinated with pertinent stakeholders. The Procurement Dashboard stands as a pivotal instrument in this endeavour.
Supply Chain Management Effective Supply Chain Management
Our procurement tool offers a streamlined approach to engaging suppliers, facilitating automatic rating of their organisation, primarily based on their certificates via the meta standard. Alternatively, suppliers can assess themselves using assessments available on the platform. These assessments encompass specific pillars or digital assessments outlined in section 3. Furthermore, suppliers can be encouraged to seek validation and/or certification.
Moreover, our platform extends an invitation for suppliers to subject their products or projects to evaluation through the Environmental Footprint, Circular Footprint, and Health Footprint pillars.
The procurement tool also empowers you with the capacity to:
Categorise and Compare Suppliers:
Segregate suppliers based on sector and spend, providing invaluable insight for sustainability-focused expenditure analysis.
Benchmark and Monitor Suppliers
Construct informative comparisons and overviews by leveraging predefined categories and sustainability scores. The addition of industry benchmarks enriches your understanding of supplier performance.
Monitoring and Benchmarking
Gauge performance against pillars, additional digital assessments (such as SDGs), and supplier-defined targets.
Notes and Supplier Ratings:
A notes system is at your disposal for each supplier, allowing you to maintain essential records. Additionally, suppliers can be rated internally on metrics including Overall Quality, Security of Supply, Delivery Days Average, Delivery Terms, and Payment Behavior.
At its core, our procurement tool facilitates a comprehensive approach to managing supplier relationships, while also fostering transparency, benchmarking, and continuous improvement in sustainability endeavours.
GSES Procurement Dashboard
The GSES Procurement Dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of your procurement status, leveraging your entire supplier dataset. It offers insights into:
- The ratio of verified suppliers compared to the total supplier count, categorised by levels of verification.
- The average overall rating and per sustainability Pillar of your verified suppliers.
- The degree of SDG alignment exhibited by verified suppliers.
- Comparative analysis encompassing your organisation, suppliers, and the broader GSES database, alongside an industry benchmark.
- Clear display of supplier-defined targets for each pillar.
- Geographical representation of supplier locations on a world map.
- Various additional statistical data points for comprehensive assessment.
OECD Responsible Business Conduct Guideline Guideline
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) introduced a practical guideline in 2018, known as the ‘OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct,’ offering actionable advice for Due Diligence. This guideline has been widely embraced by numerous OECD countries and partners.
Public and private entities are encouraged to implement this guideline across their supply chains. It’s noteworthy that all pillars outlined in the GSE-Standard align seamlessly with the OECD’s due diligence guideline. For further insights, please visit: [OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct](