Platform information
Verified GSES scorecard for the organizations
The GSES scorecard is 1 overview of an organizations ESG, Sustainability and SDG performance, verified by independent certification institutions. The scorecard is measuring based on 1. Which certificates, ecolabels and reports do organizations have already (>550 included in the GSES Metastandard), 2. After uploaden you see which KPIs are not yet covered by the already obtained certificates and reporting efforts, 3. As an organization you can add data and evidence to cover the remaining KPIs. Get verified by a third part CI and see the organizations score on 6 pillars (maak link naar pillar pagina) of sustainability. The GSES Scorecards work on entity and group level.
Corporate carbon footprint dashboard
The Carbon Dashboard is a tool designed to monitor and manage CO2 emissions. It comprehensively assesses an organisation’s emissions across scopes 1, 2, and 3, providing a clear overview of achieved targets and areas for enhancement. This enables organisations to grasp their carbon footprint, considering distinct emission sources such as heating and travel. To enhance the comprehensibility of CO2 figures, we undertake a comparative approach, juxtaposing the company’s footprint against diverse benchmarks. Examples include equating the footprint to the number of intercontinental flights or the quantity of trees required for offsetting. This dashboard further illustrates the volume of CO2 reductions, the level of offsetting, and whether the organisation attains energy neutrality. Moreover, the dashboard plays a pivotal role in facilitating the validation of the CO2 footprint, indicating if this verification process has been completed.
Supply chain dashboard
The supply chain dashboard is based on the ISO 20400 guideline and is enabling supplier measurement, monitoring and verification levels on 6 pillars of sustainability all based on ISO standards and guidelines. The GSES supply chain dashboard includes the GSES metastandard, with the metastandard you will receive insights in days over the sustainability performance of your supply chain as we can enable automated and verified measurements based on over 550 certificates and ecolabels. The supply chain dashboard has features like: invite suppliers to report, invite suppliers to make a scope 1, 2 and or 3 dashboard, see your supplier overview, compare suppliers, consult your suppliers with the digital consulting tool, make an overview per supplier categorie, add budget and spent data for deeper insights, export report of supply chain periodically, APIs for transferring data.
Product procurement dashboard
The product procurement dashboard is enabling you to buy greener based on data of circular, environmental friendly or social verified products. In the GSES you can create your own product procurement dashboard. As an organization you can Invite your suppliers, partners or brands to upload the product data footprint that is relevant to your policies on the GSES platform and get verified data about product sustainability and green claims! This is a solution used by buyers, retailers wholesalers and many more diverse organizations.
My products database
Create your own green product database and see how green your products really are based on verified data. Import your product portfolio, let the GSES tool scan it on verified reports and certification data and see how sustainable your product is based on 4 product footprints: circular, environmental, health and social. Add missing data and get the products verified by independent certification institutions. Optional: Connect your webshop or catalogue with the GSES product API and publish the product data including GSES leaves and verification logo.
Asset database powered by ABB
Our clients are facing many challenges on sustainability performance measurement and reporting. To effectively assess their overall footprint they need to include the measurement of their assets. This way, clients are provided with a single point for comprehensive and actionable data rather than a variety of disjointed reports to be filed. They can therefore aggregate the overall sustainability performance of their asset portfolio. Asset database is a feature in the GSES Platform that gives asset owners the opportunity to map and measure all their assets automatically measured and verified through realtime (or manual) data. An asset scorecard is containing data of the carbon footprint, energy use, circular footprint, health footprint, social footprint (of the asset owner(s)), SDG support, verification data, realtime API connections.
Venue & Event dashboard example Coldplay
In the GSES Platform you have a Venue & Event module for the Leisure and Entertainment Industry. In this module the venue is measured on all GSES pillars having 1 overview of the sustainability of their venue including the supply chain, product data, Carbon Footprint scope 1 and 2 and/or 3 and the SDG support. As venue you can create event scorecards, measuring the sustainability of your event including: data of the event organizer, venue owner, teams/artist. This event scorecard includes a scope 1 2 3 budget feature and during and post event verification feature, SDG support of the event, the supply chain data, social impact, product data used during event, verification data on event level by green guard auditors.
Technology dashboard
Verify your GreenTech and CleanTech innovations with the GSES ETV module. Measure your technology on the Environmental claims you have and verify this by a third party. GSES launched a technology ESG dashboard for technology users providing an in depth overview of the proven technology claims, ETV verification reports and ESG scores on organisation level. In the GSES we measure technologies with the ETV ISO 14034, the only global standard to measure greentech!
Verified GSES scorecard for the organizations
The GSES scorecard provides a concise and standardised overview of key sustainability/ESG metrics on organisational level. It offers easy access to a comprehensive snapshot of an organisation’s overall sustainability performance, detailed scores per GSES Pillar, SDGs supported, future sustainability targets and sustainability certificates obtained.
Corporate carbon footprint dashboard
The GSES Carbon Dashboard is a powerful tool for benchmarking and monitoring CO2 emissions across Scopes 1, 2, and 3. It provides a comprehensive assessment of an organisation’s emissions, offering a clear overview of achieved targets and areas for improvement. The GSES Carbon Dashboard allows organisations to understand their carbon footprint by considering various emission sources like heating, travel and electricity usage. The dashboard also highlights CO2 reductions, offset levels, and the achievement of energy neutrality. Developed by GSES, this dashboard serves as a showcase of an organisation’s public commitment to reduce CO2 emissions.
Supply chain dashboard
The Supply Chain Dashboard is designed to give organisations a clear and practical overview of their suppliers’ sustainability performance, stand alone or benchmarked against each other, industry peers or an industry standard. Organisations can easily access key metrics in aggregate, such as the average GSES Pillar score, or deep-dive into specific details. An exciting feature on the GSES Platform is that organisations can set specific sustainability targets, overall or for specific areas, for suppliers and follow up through the Supply Chain Dashboard.
Product procurement dashboard
The Product Procurement Dashboard, within the GSES platform, facilitates informed and conscious procurement choices. What sets it apart is the flexibility it provides to organisations, allowing them to tailor their own product procurement dashboard according to their specific needs and priorities. Through collaboration with suppliers, partners, or brands, organisations can actively contribute to the platform by encouraging the upload of relevant product data. Once the relevant product data is uploaded, a sustainable product scorecard is established. This collaborative effort ensures that the information obtained is not only aligned with organisational policies but is also verified by third-party auditors, providing a trustworthy foundation for assessing product sustainability and validating sustainability claims.
My products database
Establish a personalised product database to gain deep insights into the sustainability of your organisation’s products. Import the product portfolio and analyse the products’ product score using verified reports and certification data. The product scorecard is calculated based on the environmental, circular, and health footprint (the Nature/Cosmetic Impact Rating Methodology). Elevate the product data by filling in any missing information and attaining verification from independent certification institutions. The product dashboard empowers organisations to seamlessly add and manage products with a simple click. It also facilitates quick searches within the product database, streamlining sustainable product management. Organisations can also opt to seamlessly integrate the GSES product scores on its webshop or catalogue as an optional feature to enhance transparency and consumer trust.
Asset database powered by ABB
The GSES Asset Database offers standardised scorecards for assets or asset classes, such as technology, buildings, vessels, etc. Integrated into the GSES Platform, this database facilitates automatic mapping and measurement of assets, featuring real-time or manual data verification.
The resulting asset scorecard covers essential sustainability metrics, including carbon footprint, energy use, circular footprint, health footprint, social footprint of the asset owner(s), SDG support, verification data, and real-time API connections. Clicking on an asset card provides a detailed view of all relevant information in the database in a standardised format. This allows clients to efficiently aggregate and benchmark the sustainability performance of their asset portfolio, addressing (Scope 3) reporting challenges and compliance with legislation.
Venue & Event dashboard example Coldplay
The GSES Platform offers a dedicated Venue & Event module designed for the Leisure and Entertainment Industry. This module can be used to benchmark a venue across on the Global Sustainable Enterprise Standard, providing a comprehensive overview of its sustainability. This can include an evaluation of the supply chain, product data, Carbon Footprint (scope 1, 2, and/or 3), and SDG support.
Venue owners or event promoters can use this module to create specific Event Scorecards, measuring and benchmarking the sustainability of any event. These scorecards show data related to the event organiser, venue owner, teams/artists, and feature a scope 1, 2, 3 budget component. Additionally, the module incorporates during and post-event verification features, SDG support analysis, supply chain data, social impact assessment, product data used during the event, and verification data at the event level conducted by ‘GreenGuard’ auditors.
Technology dashboard
The GSES Platform offers an Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) module that allows clients to validate the sustainability of GreenTech and CleanTech innovations. Using the GSES ETV module, environmental claims based on technology can be measured and verified by an independent third party. GSES introduces a technology ESG dashboard for users, offering an overview of verified technology claims, ETV verification reports, and ESG scores on an organisational level.
Based on the ETV ISO 14034 standard, the only global measure for green tech, GSES collaborates with the ISO organisation in Poland to integrate green technologies verified under the Environmental Technology Verification scheme. The GSES ETV module simplifies the input of crucial information for ETV technology, covering green claims, verification proof, and key KPIs. Additionally, it supports measuring a product’s footprint using LCA data or a bill of materials. The resulting scorecard consolidates data, providing live trackers, verification details, links to SDGs, and downloadable reports.