In the Netherlands Edition of Essentials of Modern Marketing by Kotler-i & Soltanifar, mentioned a case study of Xenos which also states a collaboration with GSES in 2022 in order to meet the need of the customers and to make sustainability transparent for all suppliers.
GSES score is a universal sustainability rating system for companies, public organizations and NGOs. The rating works with internationally accepted frameworks and standards such as; GRI, SASB Standards, ISO, Sustainable Footprint standard, and over 550 ecolabels and certification schemes. Xenos and GSES worked together to develop and launch the Nature Impact Rating, a business-to-consumer industry standard for making the sustainability aspects of products transparent, where zero leaves means not sustainable and 5 leaves means very sustainable.
In September 2022 Xenos launched the Nature Impact Rating during a retail congress during which the retails and participants at the retail congress were invited to an educational workshop by Xenos and GSES sharing all the best practices on how to use it. Also, here Xenos opened up to share their learnings about the Nature Impact Rating with all their retail peers. This was done with the purpose to enable transparency in the sustainability of products across the Dutch retail market, to make it easier for consumers to shop consciously. Also, here in sharing all their knowledge with their competitors, Xenos lived their ethos of “Together, for each other, with each other”, as together always can be achieved more.