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THE GSES system

Health Footprint

The pillar Health Footprint is connected to REACH and sector specific lists of restricted substances and LCA Toxicity results in the supply chain. 

In the GSES HF tooling, the following indicators are measured and data is recorded:

  • Manufacturer’s declaration that the product is compliant with REACH regulation, and with that explicitly declares compliancy to the Candidate List of substances of very high concern for Authorisation
  • Additional product health safety declarations, based on the Cradle to Cradle Restricted Substances List (RSL). 
  • Human toxicity, cancer effects
  • Human toxicity, non-cancer effects
  • Ecotoxicity, freshwater
HF pillar indicator Scoring indicators HF ( 0%- 100% )
Manufacturer and reseller declare that the product is compliant with REACH regulation, and with that explicitly declares compliance with the Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern for authorisation
Additional product health safety declarations (based on the Cradle to Cradle Restricted Substances List)
"Human toxicity, cancer" in supply chain production (HTP-c in CTUh) result per kg product
High = 0% for HTP-c> 1e-8 CTUh/kg
Medium = 5% for 1e-9 < HTP-c <1e-8 CTUh/kg
Low= 15% for HTP-c< 1e-9 CTUh/kg
"Human toxicity, non-cancer" in supply chain production (HTP-nc in CTUh) result per kg product
High = 0% for HTP-nc>5e-7 CTUh/kg
Medium = 5% for 5e-8< HTP-nc <5e-7 CTUh/kg
Low = 15% for HTP-nc < 5e-8 CTUh/kg
"Ecotoxicity, freshwater" in supply chain production (ETP-fw in CTUe) result per kg product
High = 0% for ETP-fw > 500 CTUe / kg
Medium = 5% for 50 < ETP-fw < 500 CTUe/kg
Low = 15% for ETP-fw < 50 CTUe / kg
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